Pitch Deck Template | Soliel


This template is designed to be comprehensive yet concise, providing all the essential information needed to engage potential investors and stakeholders. Included is:

  • 2 Versions - Mobile (Portrait, 1080px by 1920px) Presentation (Landscape, 1920px by 1080px)

  • 55 pages in total

  • Editable with Canva and Adobe

  • Includes a professional-use license

  • Free 30-minute professional editing session available via booking link

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This template is designed to be comprehensive yet concise, providing all the essential information needed to engage potential investors and stakeholders. Included is:

  • 2 Versions - Mobile (Portrait, 1080px by 1920px) Presentation (Landscape, 1920px by 1080px)

  • 55 pages in total

  • Editable with Canva and Adobe

  • Includes a professional-use license

  • Free 30-minute professional editing session available via booking link

This template is designed to be comprehensive yet concise, providing all the essential information needed to engage potential investors and stakeholders. Included is:

  • 2 Versions - Mobile (Portrait, 1080px by 1920px) Presentation (Landscape, 1920px by 1080px)

  • 55 pages in total

  • Editable with Canva and Adobe

  • Includes a professional-use license

  • Free 30-minute professional editing session available via booking link

    • Title (Cover) Slide: Introduce your company with its name, logo, and tagline. Include the presenter’s name and contact details.

    • Problem: Clearly define the problem your target market faces. Use data or storytelling to make it relatable.

    • Solution: Explain how your product or service solves the problem, emphasizing your unique value proposition.

    • Market Opportunity: Provide data on market size, target audience, and growth potential, showing why your solution is timely.

    • Product/Service: Demonstrate the product in action with screenshots or a demo. Highlight core features and technology.

    • Business Model: Outline how the company makes money (e.g., subscriptions, one-time fees, commissions).

    • Traction: Showcase evidence of market validation, such as revenue, growth, partnerships, or customer testimonials.

    • Competition: Identify competitors and show how your product is different or better, using a comparison chart if possible.

    • Go-to-Market Strategy: Present your plan to acquire customers and scale, including marketing, sales, and partnerships.

    • Financial Projections: Provide forecasts of revenue, costs, and profitability over the next 3-5 years, with realistic growth projections.

    • Team: Introduce key team members and their relevant experience, demonstrating why they’re well-qualified for this vision.

    • Ask: State how much capital you’re raising, what it will be used for, and the expected return for investors.

    • Closing Slide: Recap key points, reinforce the vision, and include a call to action for investors (e.g., follow-up meeting).

    • Advisors: List any key advisors or board members who add value to the company.

    • Use of Funds: Break down how the raised capital will be allocated.

    • Exit Strategy: Present potential exit options like an IPO or acquisition

    Additional Info: Offer two versions of the template: a mobile-friendly version (portrait, 1080px by 1920px) and a presentation version (landscape, 1920px by 1080px). Also include a booking link for a free 30-minute editing session with one of our designers.

    This template ensures the presentation is adaptable for both mobile and traditional presentation formats, offering flexibility and professionalism.

  • We specialize in creating and offering premium tech and lifestyle templates that are fully customizable to suit your unique needs. Our templates not only accelerate the design process but also enable you to produce work with the sophistication and attention to detail typically found in boutique design agencies. We take pride in delivering some of the most refined, high-quality templates on the market. Plus, when you book a consultation with us, we'll assist you in professionally editing and tailoring your purchased template to ensure it meets the highest design standards.